Monday, 10 May 2010

New Beginnings.

When all around is uncertain - I blame Mercury Retrograde - I have found myself needing to make some very big decisions. But before I go any further I should introduce myself. My name is Sue, I'm a Pagan, Home Edding mother of 3 (although only the youngest is home educated). I've tried my hand at blogging once or twice before but have fallen victim to some really narky people. I didn't want to just abandon the blogging (which I think was what they hoped to achieve) so I have moved on from petty people and am beginning new ventures.

The first of the big decisions for me was whether to carry on with my degree or not. I had all but finalised the funding when I got cold feet. Without giving the matter much thought I didn't bother to fill in the paperwork and ended up recycling the form. A definite Mercury Retrograde influence there. But a chance encounter on Twitter led me to re-evaluate that hasty decision and now a new form is winging its way over to me.

The next decision I have to make is proving rather obstinate. My whole future depends upon it yet I have no idea which way to turn. I have to decide whether or not to carry on with my current plans in regards to my (non existent) career or whether to follow a different path.
I am very much at a crossroads in this area of my life and for a control freak like me this is not easy. I am never comfortable when I have no clue as to where I am headed, it leaves me feeling rather antsy - and that is not a good thing, believe me.

I guess I have rather a lot of soul-searching to do over the coming weeks ans maybe even months. Oh dear, I'll probably end up grouching at me nearest and dearest - hard-hat time in my home I suspect.

Fingers crossed that I reach the right decision and soon, before I drive my family mad.